Thursday, 9 May 2013


This blog will be where I post A2 OCR psychology revision help, notes and example questions and how I go about answering them. It's pretty much to help with my own revision, but I hope that it will help some of you struggling with the G543 exam. I will cover information from the following sections:

Forensic Psychology
1. Turning to Crime
2. Making a Case
4. After a Guilty Verdict

Health and Clinical Psychology
2. Stress
3. Dysfunctional behaviour
4. Disorders (Affective disorder >> depression)

I'll also post some on general exam technique and how to revise this module. 


  1. hey, Could you add the evaluation points for Turning to crime, making a case and After a guilty Verdict just like how you've done for Methods of health promotion please ?

    1. It's much better to learn evaluation points and apply them to the question set, than to learn set evaluation points for each study and theory. The examples I've put up give you evaluation points and help on how to structure your essays, so refer to those if you need help.

      In most cases, the top evaluation issues are valid and reliability, which can both link to usefulness and applicability to real life.

  2. Hello! Great post!
