Living: explaining health behaviours
FOR NON-ADHERENCE: Bulpitt et al. (1988)/Lowe and Raynor (2000)
OF NON-ADHERENCE: Lustman (2000)/Becker (1978))
Adherence to medicines is defined as
the extent to which the patients’ action matches the agreed recommendations.
Non-adherence can include changing the frequency or dosage of medicines, as
well as neglecting to follow agreed actions such as exercise or stopping
smoking. Whilst non-adherence can result in deterioration of health and wasted
medication, there are various reasons why people don’t adhere to advice they’re
given in terms of health. Reasons for non-adherence tend to come under two
categories: intentional non-adherence and unintentional non-adherence.
Unintentional non-adherence features reasons such as forgetfulness, inability
to pay, and confusion, which meant that despite wanting to adhere, they were
unable to. Intentional non-adherence occurs when there is a conscious decision
not to follow advice, and is best understood in terms of perceptual factors
such as believing that the medicine won’t work or is against their ethics (such
as a vegan who will not eat meat to improve health), or practical factors, such
as the side-effects the medicine produces.
There are some issues with trying to decipher somebody’s
reasons for non-adherence. The most appropriate research method into this is
self-report; however social desirability bias, demand characteristics and
dishonesty may distort the findings. Non-adherence may also be for a
combination of factors, or unique to an individual or group, so finding ways to
overcome non-adherence could be quite difficult; however, if it is achieved,
the health and money benefits could be beneficial to a lot of people. Another
weakness of looking at non-adherence is the validity of the research and
theories, as it is difficult to operationalize non-adherence – if somebody
takes roughly the right amount of pills, is that adherence? What about if they
take them at slightly the wrong time of day? As researchers operationalize
adherence differently, research may lack reliability as it cannot be compared
and checked with other research. We must be careful when attempting to
generalize adherence behaviour, as different illnesses may bring out different
attitudes and behaviours in people.
STUDY: BULPITT et al. (1988)
Bulpitt et al. conducted a review
article study on non-adherence to taking medication to regulate high blood
pressure (hypertension). Various pieces of research were looked at to identify
problems with taking drugs for high blood pressure. Both physical and
psychological side effects were looked at, including problems at work and the
effects on physical wellbeing. The study found that anti-hypertension
medication had many side effects including sleepiness, dizziness, impotence,
and weakened cognitive functioning. Curb et al.’s study that 8% of males
discontinued treatment due to sexual problems, whilst the medical research
council found that 15% withdrew due to side effects. It was concluded that when
side effects outweighed the benefits of treating a mainly asymptomatic problem
such as hypertension, there is less likelihood of the patients adhering to
their treatment.
The problem with using the methodology of a review article
is that it looks at dated research, which may lack temporal validity. On the
other hand, this enables the researcher to look at patterns and see if
attitudes towards medication and adherence change over time, which may be more
useful. The use of various pieces of research allows for cross-referencing and
increased reliability and generalizability of the findings. As both physical
and psychological side effects were investigated, this study appears to be more
holistic in its approach. It is not known, however, the depth or validity of
the research that was looked at, and the review article appears to be fairly
Another study into reasons for
non-adherence is Lowe and Raynor (2000). The research was conducted on a random
sample of 161 patients aged 65 years and older. The mean age of the sample was
76 years, and the mean number of medicines prescribed was 4. The cognitive
study used a self-report method, whereby participants were visited and
interviewed at home using a structured questionnaire. They were asked questions
on which medicines they took, the dosage they take and the frequency dosages
are taken. The results showed a discrepancy in 53% of cases. In 28 out of 86
cases, this was due to administrative error, 3 cases were due to confusion and
the remaining cases were due to a rational decision by the patient. 92 medicines in all were involved, of which
51 were no longer being taken, 19 dosages had been adjusted and 22 frequencies
were adjusted. The reasons given by the sample included side-effects, believing
the drugs did not work, and adjustment to fit daily routine. The conclusion was
that contrary to popular belief, very few of the elderly who do not adhere to
medical regimen are actually confused about it: most make a rational decision
by weighing up the costs and benefits, and their non-adherence tends to mostly
be intentional. It was deemed “concerning” that patients did not communicate
their decisions with their doctor, and that so many administrative errors had
been made by the doctors.
The sample was fairly limited in that it looked at a
vulnerable, age-biased group (the elderly), however as it was random it is
likely that the sample is representative of elderly people. The use of a
vulnerable sample however raises ethical issues as they may have felt pressured
into giving consent, or not felt that they could have withdrawn from the study.
The use of a self-report method is effective in that it enabled participants to
recall what they had done and give attitudes, however self-report brings issues
of internal validity due to dishonesty, demand characteristics and social
desirability bias. As the report was asking for certain amounts of
retrospective data, forgetfulness may also have been an issue. The use of a
structured questionnaire boosts the reliability of the study, as does comparing
the results from the study with medical records. This is a very useful study as
it provides reasons for intentional non-adherence, and shows that the common
belief about the elderly being confused about medication is somewhat
fabricated. It also demonstrated the need for doctors’ surgeries to check for
administrative errors, and that communication is lapse between doctors and
patients in terms of non-adherence.
There are various ways in which it has
been proposed that adherence can be measured: using self-report, looking at the
therapeutic outcome (did the patient get better?), asking the doctor, counting
pills and bottles, mechanical methods (such as the track cap) and biochemical
tests (such as blood and urine tests). As none of these methods are without
their faults, methodological triangulation appears to be the most appropriate
and accurate way of measuring (non-)adherence.
Each method of measuring adherence has strengths and
weaknesses. Using self-report allows attitudes to be given and is most
convenient, but may lack internal validity. Asking the doctor means that social
desirability bias wouldn’t be an issue, however patients may have lied to their
doctors about their level of adherence. Counting pills and bottles may appear
to show what has been taken, but someone may have removed pills and not taken
them, or taken more than their recommended dosage one day then nothing the
next. It is also an invasion of privacy to check this. Mechanical methods are
expensive but can be useful in conjunction with self-report or biochemical
tests, and biochemical tests mean that dishonesty isn’t an issue, but they are
expensive, time consuming and only show adherence at one point in time, so may
be misleading.
Lustman’s study looked into using
physiological measures of assessing adherence to medication and the treatment
of depression in diabetics. The aim of the study was to assess the
effectiveness of fluoxetine as treatment for depression in diabetics. A
self-selected sample of 60 diabetic volunteers with depression was involved in
a laboratory experiment, using a double blind technique. All were screened for
depression and randomly assigned to two groups (the group who would take the
drug, and one who would take the placebo). Participants were given daily doses
of the medication for 8 weeks, and then re-assessed for depression and their
adherence to their medical regimen through measuring blood sugar levels. The
results showed that reduction of depression was significantly greater in the
experimental group than the control group, and that these patients also had
nearer normal blood sugar levels, which indicated improved adherence. The
conclusion from this research is that physiological tests were an effective
method of measuring adherence, and that reduced depression may improve
adherence in diabetic patients.
Whilst the use of a laboratory experiment, double blind
design and control group should improve the internal validity of the study due
to removal of certain confounding variables (such as self-fulfilling prophecy),
the use of an independent measures design (which introduces participant
variables) balances this out. The participants may simply have gotten better at
adherence and felt better within themselves; it may have had very little to do
with the drug, however the control group did show that it was not the placebo
or Hawthorne effect. The study is useful as it provides another reason for
non-adherence, a way of measuring non-adherence, and suggests a way to improve
adherence. The extent to which the results can be generalized is limited due to
the small, biased sample.
Sometimes, non-adherence to medical
regimen is not particularly serious, as sometimes symptoms and illnesses clear
up by themselves. However, non-adherence can prove fatal, and it is these cases
which require health psychology to combat non-adherence. Potentially the most
useful psychological standpoint in terms of a perspective or approach to
non-adherence is the behavioural perspective, as it is a practical and
nomothetic viewpoint. Some appropriate behaviourist techniques in combatting
non-adherence include direct reinforcements (positive reinforcement), modelling
(imitation – this could be from a support group, for example), and contingency
contracts (whereby the patient negotiates with the health worker concerning goals
and rewards for achievements).
The main issue with attempts to improve adherence is that
the method used depends on the approach that the problem is explained in terms
of, and this will often mean methods are reductionist – this makes them simple
to understand and easy to apply to different contexts, but is also likely to be
overly simplistic in an area of behaviour which is fairly complex. Combined
methods are therefore most likely to be effective. Cultural differences also
complicate things; different cultures view medicine and illness differently, so
it is likely that findings and theories from one culture cannot be generalized
to different cultures. Individual differences should also be a consideration:
people differ individually to what they will adhere to and their reasons behind
it based on their individual differences. For example, women have been shown to
visit doctors more quickly after becoming ill than men. The focus of improving
behavioural measures on behaviourism is reductionist in that behaviourism
ignores freewill, context and individual differences such as religion.
STUDY: WATT et al. (2003)
Previous research had suggested that
non-adherence in children with asthma could be due to boredom, apathy and
forgetfulness. This study aimed to see if using a Funhaler instead of a regular
inhaler could improve children’s adherence to taking asthma medication. 32
asthmatic children with a mean age of 3.2 years, who had been prescribed drugs
taken via an inhaler, were involved in the study. Parental consent was gained,
as the children were too young to give informed consent. The method was a field
experiment using a repeated measures design, assessed through self-report. The
independent variable was whether the child used the inhaler or Funhaler, and
the dependent variable was the level of adherence to taking their asthma
medication. For the first week, children used regular inhalers, and in the
second week the Funhaler was used – a device which incorporates features to
distract the child from the drug delivery and reinforces the use of the
Funhaler, such as a spinner and a whistle which work best when the deep
breathing required for effective drug delivery is used. After each week, the
parents completed a questionnaire on adherence. The results were that 38% more
parents reported higher adherence in the children when using the Funhaler, and
thus it was concluded that making a medical regimen fun can improve adherence
in children.
The main issue with this study in terms of methodology is
that it was conducted over a fairly short time span. Whilst adherence may have
improved with the use of the Funhaler, this may have been due to novelty which
could have worn off fairly quickly after the initial week’s use, as
behaviourist research has found that constant reinforcement is less rewarding
that partial reinforcement. This study is useful because it tested uptake of
the medication through both self-report from the parents and through
calculating the volume of air in the Funhaler, and thus the amount of medication
absorbed by the child. The Funhaler is widely available to asthmatic children,
and may well be a lifesaver as it can help to control asthma. However, making
medication regimen fun may only work for very young children, and for
medication taking through an inhaler rather than orally or through injection,
so the findings are unlikely to be able to be generalised, reducing how useful
it is.
General points on evaluation of
adherence: adherence can be affected by a wide range of patient beliefs, so
a holistic approach is desirable. Ethics are potentially an issue due to the
samples, and in Becker, the lack of parental consent. Physiological measures of
adherence are most reliable, whilst self-report studies have questionable
wow amazing!
ReplyDeleteif you had the question "Assess the reliability of research into non-adherence to medical advice" how would you start your answer? would you define reliabilty first and then go into the main body? I hate how some of the questions are phrased!
ReplyDeleteActually it's not just the opening paragraph i'm struggling with! what evaluative points would you use? I can't even think of which ones would be relevant, i've said the approach is because i'm using Lustmann's study which is a good method etc, but can't think of how i'd structure the essay. please help!
ReplyDeleteI'm not actually revising this section, I just posted my notes from when I initially looked at the studies. The intro you suggested sounds ideal, for reliability you need to look at how far bias or lying affects results, as well as forgetfulness, mood,social desirability, standardisation, etc.
Deletethis is helping me so much with revision, thank you :-)
ReplyDeleteThis has helped so much with an assessment I am doing, keep posting !
ReplyDeleteAre these notes from the revision guide or some other source?
ReplyDeleteWe need to mention more names and case studies by the psychologists. Are these in the guide?
Are these notes from the revision guide or some other source?
ReplyDeleteWe need to mention more names and case studies by the psychologists. Are these in the guide?
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