Friday, 18 April 2014

A quick update from me

Hi there guys, hope the revision is coming along well.

I'd just like to let you know if you need any help, I'll still be answering as many questions as I can, but unfortunately I'm not going to be writing any more full length answers (I honestly would if I had the time to spare!).

Also, I'm here to let you guys know about my new psych blog. After much deliberation, I decided to scrap Psych-Bites due to technical difficulties, and have created Sciency Posts for Sciency Folks. It's going to be about all things relevant to psychology, so if you have any general queries or things you'd like me to blog about, comment below and if I can, I'll blog about it at the next opportunity.

I hope to see you guys around on my new site, and am still humbled by how many of you keep coming back to the site.

Best wishes


  1. Thankyou so much for this site, It truly has helped me so much this school year. I've been struggling with the G543 exam and your website has proved so useful :)

  2. Hey, I just wanted to know what you ended up getting for your alevel? I'm on an A from last year and I'm really worried about this year. I need a B to get into university but I really feel like I don't know any studies enough for 10 marks let alone evaluation points for 15. Would really reassure me if I know it's possible to get a high grade!

  3. With the help of your blog and I've written great dissertation. Thank you so much.
